Earnings History Data for Vornado Realty Trust (VNO) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Vornado Realty Trust

Vornado Realty Trust is a fully-integrated Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT). Vornado has a concentration of premier assets and a focused strategy of growing its dominant position in New York City office and Manhattan high street retail. Vornado's portfolio is concentrated in the nation's key market - New York City - along with the premier asset in both Chicago and San Francisco. Vornado is also the real estate industry leader in sustainability policy. The company owns and manages over 19 million square feet of LEED certified buildings and received the Energy Star Partner of the Year Award.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
10-02-2025 AH VNO Vornado Realty Trust 8,240 0.01 0.51 0.63 Vornado Realty Trust FFO of $0.61 beats by $0.11, revenue of $457.79M beats by $10.34M
[2/10/2025 4:34 PM]
42.80 0.44 
42.94 0.57 
22.42 - 46.63 1,789,663 1,120,000 858
04-11-2024 AH VNO Vornado Realty Trust 7,890 -0.10 0.51 0.66 Vornado Realty Trust FFO of $0.52 beats by $0.01, revenue of $443.26M misses by $2.65M
[11/4/2024 4:25 PM]
42.66 0.74 
42.00 0.08 
19.63 - 44.05 2,252,875 1,260,000 20,875
05-08-2024 AH VNO Vornado Realty Trust 5,580 0.18 0.55 0.72 Vornado Realty Trust FFO of $0.57 beats by $0.04, revenue of $450.27M beats by $13.4M
[8/5/2024 4:26 PM]
30.71 3.44 
28.75 1.48 
18.36 - 32.21 4,182,904 1,890,000 2,501
06-05-2024 AH VNO Vornado Realty Trust 4,980 -0.05 0.58 0.60 Vornado Realty Trust FFO of $0.55 misses by $0.03, revenue of $436.38M misses by $11.42M
[5/6/2024 4:29 PM]
24.23 -2.39 
25.78 -0.85 
12.31 - 32.21 5,219,169 1,660,000 57,010
12-02-2024 AH VNO Vornado Realty Trust 5,030 0.04 0.59 0.72 Vornado Realty Trust FFO of $0.63 beats by $0.02, revenue of $441.89M misses by $8.27M
[2/12/2024 4:26 PM]
24.66 -2.08 
26.10 -0.64 
12.31 - 32.21 4,300,785 2,450,000 2,409
30-10-2023 AH VNO Vornado Realty Trust 3,750 0.28 0.66 0.81 Vornado Realty Trust FFO of $0.66 beats by $0.01, revenue of $450.99M misses by $0.47M
[10/30/2023 4:27 PM]
19.18 -0.94 
19.97 -0.15 
12.31 - 26.76 4,729,169 2,830,000 68,676
31-07-2023 AH VNO Vornado Realty Trust 4,110 0.14 0.64 0.83 Vornado Realty Trust FFO of $0.72 beats by $0.08, revenue of $472.36M beats by $27.9M
[7/31/2023 4:34 PM]
22.52 0.04 
23.25 0.77 
12.31 - 30.90 4,813,209 3,390,000 14,414
01-05-2023 AH 4:25 PM ET
(May 1)
VNO Vornado Realty Trust 2,842 0.01 0.62 0.00 Vornado Realty Trust FFO of $0.60 misses by $0.02, revenue of $445.92M misses by $6.78M
[5/1/2023 4:31 PM]
13.92 -0.76 
14.81 0.13 
12.53 - 39.15 4,693,623 4,170,000 1,347,760
13-02-2023 PM 4:25 PM ET
(Feb 13)
VNO Vornado Realty Trust 4,390 0.10 0.67 0.81 23.39 0.27 
24.00 0.87 
20.03 - 47.26 1,762,288 2,640,000 2,884
31-10-2022 AH 4:25 PM ET
(Oct 31)
VNO Vornado Realty Trust 4,450 0.04 0.74 0.71 Vornado Realty Trust Non-GAAP EPS of $0.19 misses by $0.01, revenue of $457.43M beats by $21.14M
[10/31/2022 4:30 PM]
23.27 -0.32 
24.19 0.60 
20.03 - 47.26 7,506,418 2,970,000 3,530
01-08-2022 AH 4:25 PM ET
(Aug 1)
VNO Vornado Realty Trust 5,680 0.19 0.79 0.69 29.36 -0.74 
30.95 0.85 
27.64 - 47.26 2,295,684 2,450,000 545
02-05-2022 AH 4:20 PM ET
(May 2)
VNO Vornado Realty Trust 7,760 0.16 0.76 0.65 Vornado Realty Trust FFO of $0.79 beats by $0.02, revenue of $442.1M beats by $20.26M
[5/2/2022 4:43 PM]
38.71 0.82 
39.60 1.71 
37.00 - 50.91 1,687,316 1,500,000 92,598
14-02-2022 AH 4:20 PM ET
(Feb 14)
VNO Vornado Realty Trust 7,930 0.12 0.74 0.66 Vornado Realty Trust Non-GAAP EPS of $0.12, revenue of $421.1M misses by $4.34M
[2/14/2022 4:23 PM]
43.62 2.88 
40.05 -0.69 
35.89 - 50.91 2,329,279 1,370,000 335
01-11-2021 AH 4:25 PM ET
(Nov 1)
VNO Vornado Realty Trust 8,320 0.14 0.72 0.59 Vornado Realty Trust FFO beats by $0.08, beats on revenue
[11/1/2021 4:53 PM]
43.01 -0.50 
43.01 0.0 
30.26 - 50.91 2,140,709 1,070,000 13,882
02-08-2021 AH 4:20 PM ET
(Aug 2)
VNO Vornado Realty Trust 8,410 0.14 0.69 0.55 Vornado Realty Trust FFO beats by $0.09, revenue in-line
[8/2/2021 4:29 PM]
42.41 -0.89 
43.30 0.0 
29.79 - 50.91 1,573,623 1,290,000 26,492
03-05-2021 AH 4:20 PM ET
(May 3)
VNO Vornado Realty Trust 8,860 0.06 0.63 0.72 Vornado Realty Trust FFO misses by $0.02, misses on revenue
[5/3/2021 4:22 PM]
47.43 1.72 
45.55 -0.16 
29.79 - 49.50 2,505,871 1,410,000 403,113
16-02-2021 AH 4:20 PM ET
(Feb 16)
VNO Vornado Realty Trust 7,470 0.01 0.62 0.89 Vornado Realty Trust FFO beats by $0.08, beats on revenue
[2/16/2021 4:38 PM]
37.20 -0.11 
37.38 -0.02 
27.64 - 68.50 2,758,636 2,144,530 552
02-11-2020 AH 4:40 PM ET
(Nov 2)
VNO Vornado Realty Trust 6,510 0.28 0.67 0.89 Vornado Realty Trust FFO beats by $0.18, misses on revenue
[11/2/2020 4:28 PM]
33.99 1.49 
32.58 0.08 
27.64 - 68.68 2,182,592 2,434,848 47,520
03-08-2020 AH 4:35 PM ET
(Aug 3)
VNO Vornado Realty Trust 6,730 -0.04 0.87 0.91 Vornado Realty Trust FFO beats by $0.08, misses on revenue
[8/3/2020 4:44 PM]
36.30 2.28 
35.30 1.28 
27.64 - 68.68 1,772,524 2,013,999 22,895