NYSE NASDAQ After Hours Earnings Screener

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Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top AH Mover
12-Feb ?? CTRI Centuri Holdings, Inc. 1,960 0.17 0.00 21.73 0.02 
21.97 0.26 
14.47 - 28.65 6,130 480,000 975
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12-Feb AH TXG 10x Genomics, Inc. 1,730 -0.32 -0.41 12.10 0.28 
11.72 -0.10 
11.55 - 51.22 184,856 2,760,000 71,436
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12-Feb AH GTY Getty Realty Corporation 1,710 0.56 0.57 30.29 -0.47 
31.00 0.24 
25.70 - 33.85 4,670 310,000 465
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12-Feb AH AM Antero Midstream Corporation 7,750 0.23 0.24 16.03 -0.08 
16.11 0.0 
11.58 - 16.86 88,055 2,890,000 149,100
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12-Feb ?? NWE NorthWestern Energy Group, Inc. 3,250 1.13 1.38 53.70 -0.99 
55.12 0.43 
46.15 - 57.49 8,271 360,000 1,055
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12-Feb AH CPA Copa Holdings, S.A. 3,860 3.84 4.47 90.32 0.82 
89.00 -0.50 
80.01 - 114.00 16,710 250,000 1,964
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12-Feb ?? LOAR Loar Holdings Inc. 6,950 0.04 0.00 74.20 -1.46 
75.11 -0.55 
42.57 - 96.99 4,523 280,000 180
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12-Feb AH WFG West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd 6,850 0.06 -0.23 83.30 -1.78 
85.08 0.0 
73.91 - 102.40 5,683 180,000 1,819
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12-Feb AH ASND Ascendis Pharma A/S 6,840 -1.20 -1.66 120.14 0.63 
119.89 0.38 
111.09 - 161.00 2,110 390,000 5,116
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12-Feb AH CWST Casella Waste Systems, Inc. 6,840 0.16 0.13 106.69 -0.78 
108.70 1.23 
84.45 - 114.88 2,824 290,000 2,760
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12-Feb AH FAF First American Corporation (The) 6,580 1.07 0.69 62.59 -0.91 
64.00 0.50 
51.60 - 70.92 9,782 350,000 530
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12-Feb AH CGNX Cognex Corporation 6,550 0.04 0.11 39.14 -0.48 
39.57 -0.05 
34.98 - 53.13 55,088 1,040,000 1,135
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12-Feb AH MSA MSA Safety Incorporporated 6,490 2.21 2.06 163.09 -2.42 
165.51 0.0 
153.79 - 200.60 3,439 130,000 3,324
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12-Feb AH STAG Stag Industrial, Inc. 6,320 0.60 0.58 34.75 -0.45 
35.20 0.0 
32.27 - 41.63 40,506 1,080,000 1,329
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12-Feb AH QTWO Q2 Holdings, Inc. 5,660 0.09 -0.06 90.92 -0.67 
90.00 -1.59 
41.23 - 112.82 30,865 590,000 9,205
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12-Feb AH EPRT Essential Properties Realty Trust, Inc. 5,530 0.44 0.42 30.76 -0.44 
31.20 0.0 
23.58 - 34.88 22,923 950,000 41,525
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12-Feb AH GXO GXO Logistics, Inc. 5,170 0.94 0.70 42.45 -0.55 
43.00 0.0 
41.38 - 63.33 14,814 1,140,000 20,583
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12-Feb AH CTRE CareTrust REIT, Inc. 4,510 0.40 0.36 25.61 -0.14 
26.33 0.58 
22.27 - 33.15 22,768 1,740,000 647
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12-Feb AH IRT Independence Realty Trust, Inc. 4,480 0.32 0.30 19.89 -0.28 
19.96 -0.21 
14.07 - 22.26 55,122 1,450,000 347
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12-Feb AH KAI Kadant Inc 4,290 2.08 2.41 357.82 -6.53 
364.35 0.0 
249.51 - 429.95 1,318 70,000 11,727
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12-Feb AH CSCO Cisco Systems, Inc. 248,010 0.74 0.72 61.73 -0.70 
61.46 -0.97 
44.50 - 63.25 1,195,594 17,660,000 129,950
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12-Feb AH TRAK ReposiTrak, Inc. 378.92 0.00 0.07 20.22 -0.37 
20.59 0.0 
11.66 - 25.01 6,798 30,000 377
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12-Feb AH MTW Manitowoc Company, Inc. (The) 342.14 0.14 0.09 9.80 -0.17 
10.25 0.28 
8.30 - 17.65 7,458 240,000 1,037
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12-Feb ?? ALMS Alumis Inc. 308.49 -1.36 0.00 5.00 -0.01 
5.05 0.04 
4.74 - 13.53 7,404 350,000 2,201
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12-Feb ?? LPA Logistic Properties of the Americas 304.63 0.00 0.00 9.17 -0.31 
9.50 0.02 
5.59 - 525.00 293 10,000 1,345
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12-Feb ?? RR Richtech Robotics Inc. 264.44 0.00 -0.04 2.68 -0.03 
2.61 -0.10 
0.30 - 5.20 761,494 16,750,000 1,079,880
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12-Feb ?? MVBF MVB Financial Corp. 256.74 0.27 0.61 20.73 0.0 
20.73 0.0 
17.51 - 25.24 286 30,000 264
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12-Feb AH ALCO Alico, Inc. 228.76 0.00 -2.35 30.25 -0.32 
30.57 0.0 
24.14 - 34.08 1,081 40,000 265
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12-Feb ?? CTNM Contineum Therapeutics, Inc. 216.79 -0.44 0.00 7.84 -0.04 
7.88 0.0 
7.71 - 22.00 399 70,000 3,234
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12-Feb AH OPRT Oportun Financial Corporation 193.16 0.05 -0.64 5.73 -0.01 
5.68 -0.06 
2.05 - 5.99 62,972 340,000 2,439
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12-Feb ?? HURA TuHURA Biosciences, Inc. 180.55 -0.09 -8.39 4.42 -0.06 
4.50 0.02 
2.84 - 14.60 15,054 250,000 1,871
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12-Feb AH AMWL American Well Corporation 174.03 -2.82 -3.40 11.59 0.12 
11.36 -0.11 
5.00 - 29.00 5,599 60,000 445
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12-Feb ?? BFIN BankFinancial Corporation 166.10 0.20 0.17 13.00 -0.31 
12.50 -0.81 
9.60 - 13.97 2,033 30,000 353
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12-Feb AH TSE Trinseo PLC 158.60 -2.30 -2.99 4.70 0.02 
4.68 0.0 
1.93 - 7.05 15,105 290,000 500
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12-Feb ?? CFBK CF Bankshares Inc. 157.81 0.00 0.65 24.99 0.25 
24.84 0.10 
16.92 - 31.17 274 10,000 1,051
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12-Feb ?? MHH Mastech Digital, Inc 150.54 0.15 0.07 13.46 0.39 
0.0 0.0 
7.15 - 16.00 195 20,000 0
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12-Feb AH WHG Westwood Holdings Group Inc 143.62 0.00 0.47 15.30 0.0 
0.0 0.0 
11.01 - 18.03 101 10,000 0
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12-Feb ?? AIRJ AirJoule Technologies Corporation 460.71 -0.07 0.00 8.22 -0.07 
8.29 0.0 
4.94 - 49.11 1,144 40,000 2,394
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12-Feb ?? TTGT TechTarget, Inc. 1,230 0.00 0.11 16.92 -0.13 
16.80 -0.25 
16.34 - 33.08 4,946 190,000 1,453
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12-Feb AH CNCK Coincheck Group N.V. 972.77 0.00 0.00 7.40 -0.16 
7.60 0.04 
6.55 - 14.99 8,413 50,000 2,144
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12-Feb AH CRSR Corsair Gaming, Inc. 968.48 0.08 0.16 9.74 -0.21 
9.56 -0.39 
5.59 - 14.12 112,451 1,140,000 8,726
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12-Feb AH ASPN Aspen Aerogels, Inc. 941.08 0.09 -0.01 11.76 -0.38 
11.91 -0.23 
10.67 - 33.15 137,976 1,400,000 27,674
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12-Feb AH PDS Precision Drilling Corporation 798.30 1.40 3.45 56.43 -0.56 
56.99 0.0 
54.49 - 79.07 3,101 90,000 2,814
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12-Feb ?? OEC Orion S.A. 787.30 0.25 0.17 13.89 -0.14 
14.05 0.02 
13.32 - 26.05 3,389 430,000 154
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12-Feb ?? GLDD Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corporation 767.57 0.21 0.25 11.28 -0.15 
11.43 0.0 
6.55 - 12.89 10,021 320,000 17,020
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12-Feb AH RBBN Ribbon Communications Inc. 717.32 0.10 0.10 4.22 -0.12 
4.34 0.0 
2.46 - 4.39 45,961 510,000 13,271
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12-Feb ?? LENZ LENZ Therapeutics, Inc. 695.22 -0.41 0.00 24.91 0.03 
24.88 0.0 
12.16 - 38.93 796 100,000 1,463
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12-Feb AH NBR Nabors Industries Ltd. 557.63 -1.86 -3.84 53.85 -1.60 
56.50 1.05 
50.15 - 105.96 5,602 270,000 635
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12-Feb ?? SBC SBC Medical Group Holdings Incorporated 527.47 1.28 0.00 5.03 -0.01 
5.50 0.46 
4.82 - 36.52 2,262 10,000 661
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12-Feb ?? CPAC Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A. 500.03 0.18 0.26 6.00 0.0 
0.0 0.0 
5.00 - 6.65 375 0 0
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12-Feb AH GAIN Gladstone Investment Corporation 497.50 0.24 0.26 13.41 -0.07 
13.48 0.0 
12.46 - 14.85 15,873 100,000 934
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12-Feb ?? NLOP Net Lease Office Properties 471.35 0.00 0.00 31.00 -0.13 
31.13 0.0 
22.16 - 33.06 4,421 150,000 6,115
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12-Feb AH VECO Veeco Instruments Inc. 1,380 0.25 0.40 23.20 -0.48 
23.68 0.0 
23.00 - 49.25 16,994 690,000 691
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12-Feb ?? MMLP Martin Midstream Partners L.P. 142.74 0.03 0.01 3.58 -0.04 
0.0 0.0 
2.10 - 4.13 1,148 90,000 0
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12-Feb ?? FONR Fonar Corporation 103.81 0.00 0.54 16.26 0.0 
0.0 0.0 
14.05 - 24.05 45 20,000 0
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12-Feb ?? BLIN Bridgeline Digital, Inc. 19.17 -0.05 -0.06 1.96 0.02 
1.98 0.04 
0.75 - 2.80 2,592 130,000 4,007
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12-Feb ?? PET Wag! Group Co. 16.83 0.00 -0.09 0.32 -0.01 
0.32 -0.01 
0.14 - 2.47 77,790 1,280,000 34,368
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12-Feb ?? NNVC NanoViricides, Inc. 16.79 0.00 -0.18 1.35 0.02 
1.36 0.03 
1.03 - 3.59 57,015 330,000 4,282
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12-Feb ?? ZONE CleanCore Solutions Inc. 10.72 0.00 0.00 1.16 0.01 
1.10 -0.05 
0.87 - 4.24 1,094 700,000 2,998
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12-Feb AH AEMD Aethlon Medical, Inc. 10.11 -0.22 -1.37 0.69 0.01 
0.71 0.03 
0.24 - 1.85 5,115 1,060,000 14,849
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12-Feb ?? OMEX Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. 9.59 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.01 
0.46 -0.01 
0.30 - 5.57 2,766 320,000 3,239
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12-Feb AH AYTU Aytu BioPharma, Inc. 9.53 0.00 -0.04 1.43 0.01 
0.0 0.0 
1.30 - 3.45 1,058 20,000 0
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12-Feb ?? CARV Carver Bancorp, Inc. 8.72 0.00 0.00 1.70 -0.01 
0.0 0.0 
1.26 - 2.39 314 10,000 0
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12-Feb ?? MARPS Marine Petroleum Trust 8.00 0.00 0.10 4.01 0.0 
0.0 0.0 
3.76 - 6.50 0 10,000 0
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12-Feb ?? HCWC Healthy Choice Wellness Corp. 7.56 0.00 0.00 0.73 -0.02 
0.78 0.02 
0.68 - 8.50 2,298 110,000 3,286
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12-Feb ?? MITQ Moving iMage Technologies, Inc. 7.28 0.00 -0.07 0.7280 0.0 
0.73 0.0 
0.42 - 1.55 306 70,000 1,486
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12-Feb ?? FORD Forward Industries, Inc. 7.10 0.00 -0.40 5.92 0.0 
0.0 0.0 
3.10 - 8.29 339 20,000 0
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12-Feb ?? ATXG Addentax Group Corp. 6.23 0.00 -0.22 1.08 -0.01 
1.10 0.01 
0.49 - 1.77 3,554 60,000 10,835
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12-Feb ?? TRUG TruGolf Holdings, Inc. 4.99 -0.02 -0.08 0.3789 0.01 
0.36 -0.01 
0.35 - 2.27 16,682 860,000 42,377
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12-Feb ?? SONN Sonnet BioTherapeutics Holdings, Inc. 4.78 0.00 -2.48 1.58 0.01 
1.55 -0.02 
1.41 - 18.72 3,109 50,000 656
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12-Feb ?? UPXI Upexi, Inc. 3.85 0.00 -2.40 3.45 -0.10 
3.45 -0.10 
2.17 - 33.00 4,131 80,000 2,716
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12-Feb ?? SGLY Singularity Future Technology Ltd. 3.61 0.00 -0.06 0.97 0.02 
0.94 -0.01 
0.66 - 7.65 1,454 6,320,000 10,650
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12-Feb ?? KWE KWESST Micro Systems Inc. 3.49 0.00 -3.20 0.4251 -0.02 
0.43 -0.02 
0.41 - 14.90 28,017 630,000 12,190
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12-Feb ?? TGL Treasure Global Inc. 1.97 0.00 -0.21 0.1636 0.01 
0.16 0.01 
0.15 - 12.59 287,663 11,310,000 2,240,820
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12-Feb ?? CCIX Churchill Capital Corp IX 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.50 0.0 
0.0 0.0 
9.99 - 11.17 1 10,000 0
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12-Feb ?? PCSC Perceptive Capital Solutions Corp 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.28 0.0 
0.0 0.0 
10.02 - 10.30 1 0 0
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12-Feb ?? RENB Renovaro Inc. 111.26 0.00 -0.07 0.71 -0.03 
0.74 0.0 
0.40 - 3.60 22,560 460,000 2,531
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12-Feb ?? CTXR Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 20.63 -1.25 -1.50 2.56 -0.07 
0.0 0.0 
2.44 - 26.75 5,653 80,000 0
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12-Feb ?? FEAM 5E Advanced Materials, Inc. 23.55 0.00 -0.24 0.30 -0.02 
0.30 -0.01 
0.30 - 2.48 29,464 220,000 5,018
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12-Feb ?? ABAT American Battery Technology Company 97.62 0.00 -0.19 1.20 -0.02 
1.19 -0.03 
0.73 - 4.11 114,689 1,830,000 53,429
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12-Feb AH QMCO Quantum Corporation 91.64 -0.88 0.00 17.30 -0.51 
17.42 -0.39 
2.22 - 90.64 66,332 860,000 41,123
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12-Feb ?? AFJK Aimei Health Technology Co., Ltd 64.77 0.00 0.00 10.86 0.0 
11.01 0.15 
10.15 - 10.87 1 20,000 100
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12-Feb ?? FKWL Franklin Wireless Corp. 60.69 0.00 -0.06 5.56 0.06 
5.65 0.15 
2.69 - 5.59 5,229 40,000 209
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12-Feb AH PXLW Pixelworks, Inc. 50.47 -0.11 -0.07 0.8720 0.03 
0.84 0.0 
0.61 - 3.08 4,836 230,000 217
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12-Feb ?? OTLK Outlook Therapeutics, Inc. 42.59 -0.85 -0.80 1.61 -0.06 
1.66 -0.01 
0.87 - 12.85 12,157 710,000 3,375
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12-Feb ?? ESLA Estrella Immunopharma, Inc. 39.62 0.00 -0.03 1.14 0.0 
1.21 0.07 
0.63 - 3.23 4,214 10,000 129
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12-Feb ?? IXHL Incannex Healthcare Inc. 37.05 0.00 -0.33 1.75 -0.05 
0.0 0.0 
1.50 - 8.47 6,479 60,000 0
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12-Feb AH GROW U.S. Global Investors, Inc. 33.14 0.00 0.09 2.42 -0.06 
2.47 0.0 
2.38 - 2.95 1,619 40,000 1,074
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12-Feb ?? SDST Stardust Power Inc. 32.88 -0.07 0.00 0.7664 -0.01 
0.75 -0.03 
0.66 - 28.38 10,633 2,740,000 32,906
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12-Feb ?? POCI Precision Optics Corporation, Inc. 32.70 0.00 -0.13 4.94 0.0 
0.0 0.0 
3.47 - 6.90 2 10,000 0
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12-Feb ?? GIFT Giftify, Inc. 28.79 0.00 0.00 1.20 0.01 
1.20 0.01 
0.50 - 4.50 110 100,000 610
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12-Feb ?? CVM Cel-Sci Corporation 28.08 0.00 -0.14 0.3667 -0.01 
0.36 -0.02 
0.33 - 2.50 12,212 470,000 322
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12-Feb ?? LDTC LeddarTech Holdings Inc. 25.78 -0.24 0.16 0.87 -0.05 
0.85 -0.07 
0.22 - 4.35 15,441 520,000 26,149
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12-Feb ?? IGC IGC Pharma, Inc. 24.09 -0.03 -0.09 0.3060 0.0 
0.31 0.0 
0.27 - 0.91 14,228 440,000 87,637
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12-Feb ?? SIF SIFCO Industries, Inc. 23.75 0.00 -0.57 3.75 0.0 
0.0 0.0 
2.90 - 5.96 8 0 0
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12-Feb AH FSLY Fastly, Inc. 1,420 -0.17 -0.26 9.96 -0.10 
9.90 -0.16 
5.52 - 25.87 188,744 2,510,000 41,574
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12-Feb AH TROX Tronox Holdings plc 1,570 0.05 -0.38 9.70 -0.25 
9.97 0.02 
8.73 - 20.70 34,621 1,300,000 223
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12-Feb AH CRBG Corebridge Financial Inc. 19,030 1.19 1.04 32.86 -0.29 
33.15 0.0 
23.34 - 34.66 51,412 2,870,000 40,708
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12-Feb AH KGC Kinross Gold Corporation 14,590 0.23 0.11 12.04 -0.02 
11.97 -0.09 
4.75 - 12.28 1,481,874 22,540,000 207,082
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12-Feb AH CW Curtiss-Wright Corporation 13,470 3.08 3.16 350.68 0.0 
352.30 1.62 
225.33 - 393.40 2,807 250,000 2,820
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12-Feb AH AUR Aurora Innovation, Inc. 12,370 0.00 -0.13 6.72 -0.28 
6.90 -0.10 
2.10 - 9.83 938,630 11,390,000 150,491
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12-Feb AH PPC Pilgrim's Pride Corporation 12,110 1.13 0.59 52.17 -0.38 
52.01 -0.54 
27.31 - 55.50 105,811 1,100,000 1,998
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12-Feb AH AR Antero Resources Corporation 11,780 0.26 0.22 39.93 -0.09 
40.62 0.60 
20.56 - 41.53 78,136 3,790,000 39,121
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12-Feb AH PAYC Paycom Software, Inc. 11,520 1.62 1.43 201.22 -2.15 
206.11 2.74 
139.50 - 242.74 16,808 510,000 1,935
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12-Feb AH SCI Service Corporation International 11,040 1.04 0.93 77.17 -0.17 
77.35 0.0 
66.05 - 89.37 21,462 1,240,000 360
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12-Feb AH BROS Dutch Bros Inc. 10,300 0.00 -0.01 63.31 -0.88 
63.00 -1.19 
26.32 - 68.47 231,384 2,450,000 17,495
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12-Feb AH MGM MGM Resorts International 10,290 0.32 1.06 34.55 0.28 
34.16 -0.11 
31.61 - 48.24 175,848 4,580,000 8,190
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12-Feb AH RGLD Royal Gold, Inc. 9,500 1.56 0.95 144.78 -0.09 
144.02 -0.85 
100.55 - 155.10 10,397 460,000 1,950
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12-Feb ?? SARO StandardAero, Inc. 9,170 0.16 0.00 27.32 -0.27 
25.90 -1.69 
22.50 - 34.38 11,000 830,000 1,127
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12-Feb AH ALB Albemarle Corporation 9,090 -0.49 1.85 75.30 -0.40 
76.10 0.40 
71.97 - 143.19 115,748 2,610,000 18,429
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12-Feb AH PEGA Pegasystems Inc. 9,040 1.19 1.42 102.50 -0.81 
102.20 -1.11 
47.82 - 113.67 37,984 860,000 2,290
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12-Feb AH ROL Rollins, Inc. 24,250 0.23 0.21 49.73 -0.21 
49.94 0.0 
40.41 - 52.16 55,487 1,630,000 85,649
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12-Feb AH VTR Ventas, Inc. 25,410 0.80 0.76 59.57 0.0 
61.00 1.43 
41.45 - 67.61 76,244 2,130,000 888
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12-Feb AH APP Applovin Corporation 126,090 1.28 0.49 377.00 1.75 
375.11 -0.14 
45.12 - 417.64 299,087 3,850,000 114,231
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12-Feb AH EQIX Equinix, Inc. 90,050 7.08 7.30 928.83 -14.81 
925.53 -18.11 
684.14 - 994.03 22,145 380,000 3,135
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12-Feb AH WMB Williams Companies, Inc. (The) 68,190 0.45 0.48 54.76 -0.48 
54.78 -0.46 
32.65 - 61.46 503,548 6,700,000 3,355
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12-Feb AH TTD The Trade Desk, Inc. 57,890 0.38 0.19 119.18 -1.03 
119.48 -0.73 
70.71 - 141.53 230,096 4,320,000 51,284
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12-Feb AH HOOD Robinhood Markets, Inc. 49,380 0.42 0.03 54.28 0.94 
53.30 -0.04 
11.43 - 57.27 1,731,731 19,080,000 1,239,356
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12-Feb AH WCN Waste Connections, Inc. 49,090 1.20 1.11 189.31 -0.62 
189.73 -0.20 
153.07 - 194.83 61,095 910,000 2,154
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12-Feb AH HUBS HubSpot, Inc. 39,810 0.18 -0.08 773.64 -10.81 
775.00 -9.45 
434.84 - 811.79 15,112 490,000 2,558
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12-Feb AH AEIS Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. 4,210 0.84 1.07 108.61 -2.75 
111.36 0.0 
89.11 - 130.50 10,020 230,000 4,846
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12-Feb AH CXT Crane NXT, Co. 3,540 1.20 0.99 58.70 -0.92 
59.60 -0.02 
52.89 - 67.00 7,377 430,000 1,777
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12-Feb AH CWYUF SmartCentres Real Estate Investment Trust 3,093 0.39 0.00 17.39 0.0 
0.0 0.0 
15.82 - 20.23 15,883 0 0
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12-Feb AH SUZ Suzano S.A. 13,300 0.00 0.70 10.09 -0.06 
10.12 -0.03 
8.78 - 12.98 97,341 2,130,000 204
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12-Feb AH GLPG Galapagos NV 1,510 -0.24 0.00 23.16 -0.13 
23.05 -0.24 
22.36 - 40.34 10,545 340,000 5,828
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12-Feb AH TBN Tamboran Resources Corporation 363.71 -0.34 0.00 24.50 0.10 
0.0 0.0 
15.75 - 34.50 542 20,000 0
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12-Feb AH RDDT Reddit, Inc. 39,550 0.24 0.00 216.06 2.31 
213.75 0.0 
37.35 - 230.41 421,819 4,830,000 291,695
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12-Feb ?? CCI Crown Castle Inc. 38,900 1.74 1.82 89.13 -2.09 
89.85 -1.37 
84.20 - 120.92 104,013 2,030,000 3,060
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12-Feb AH SLF Sun Life Financial Inc. 34,200 1.24 1.23 58.43 0.04 
59.30 0.91 
46.41 - 62.85 14,164 630,000 788
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12-Feb AH TYL Tyler Technologies, Inc. 25,950 1.83 1.39 605.04 -4.43 
609.47 0.0 
397.80 - 638.56 4,913 220,000 13,310
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12-Feb AH WH Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Inc. 8,430 1.00 0.91 108.26 0.81 
106.95 -0.50 
67.67 - 109.09 25,702 740,000 1,041
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12-Feb AH MKSI MKS Instruments, Inc. 7,360 1.92 1.17 109.00 -1.64 
110.70 0.06 
97.54 - 147.40 19,849 830,000 1,128
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12-Feb AH PLMR Palomar Holdings, Inc. 2,910 1.12 0.94 108.98 -1.34 
107.32 -3.00 
59.08 - 112.90 3,242 140,000 770
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12-Feb AH QDEL QuidelOrtho Corporation 2,880 0.54 1.17 41.17 -0.30 
41.40 -0.07 
29.74 - 69.83 12,117 760,000 526
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12-Feb AH FCPT Four Corners Property Trust, Inc. 2,700 0.40 0.43 27.64 -0.31 
27.81 -0.14 
22.38 - 30.93 9,891 360,000 586
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12-Feb AH QS QuantumScape Corporation 2,530 -0.23 -0.23 4.81 0.05 
4.80 0.04 
4.65 - 9.52 1,527,824 11,700,000 591,570
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12-Feb AH RPD Rapid7, Inc. 2,410 0.16 0.40 37.07 -0.86 
37.31 -0.62 
32.94 - 61.88 23,697 550,000 1,548
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12-Feb AH IREN IREN Limited 2,360 -0.04 -0.07 12.30 -0.12 
12.10 -0.32 
4.15 - 15.92 681,190 14,370,000 379,089
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12-Feb ?? NATL NCR Atleos Corporation 2,250 0.94 0.40 29.92 -0.57 
30.49 0.0 
18.42 - 35.50 17,046 270,000 12,817
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12-Feb ?? ROIC Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. 2,250 0.25 0.27 17.50 0.01 
17.49 0.0 
11.87 - 17.52 156,791 1,150,000 67,024
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12-Feb AH UPWK Upwork Inc. 2,110 0.16 0.13 15.11 -0.12 
14.90 -0.33 
8.43 - 18.14 71,530 2,320,000 4,068
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12-Feb AH ATRC AtriCure, Inc. 2,000 -0.15 -0.21 41.12 -0.39 
41.51 0.0 
18.94 - 43.11 9,859 500,000 8,539
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