Earnings History Data for Novagold Resources Inc. (NG) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Novagold Resources Inc.

NovaGold Resources is a gold and copper company engaged in the exploration and development of mineral properties in Alaska and Western Canada. The Company is rapidly moving to production at its hundred percent owned Nome Operations in Alaska, which includes Rock Creek, Big Hurrah and Nome Gold. NovaGold recently announced its partnership with Teck Cominco to build the Galore Creek copper-gold mine in northwestern British Columbia, with NovaGold and Teck Cominco each owning 50% of the project once Teck Cominco has completed its partnership requirements.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
23-01-2025 PM NG Novagold Resources Inc. 1,100 -0.03 0.00 -0.03 NovaGold Resources GAAP EPS of -$0.14
[1/23/2025 1:11 PM]
3.13 -0.09 
3.25 0.03 
2.22 - 4.88 3,035,998 1,810,000 5,870
02-10-2024 PM NG Novagold Resources Inc. 1,410 -0.03 0.00 -0.03 NovaGold Resources GAAP EPS of -$0.03 misses by $0.01; reaffirms FY24 outlook
[10/3/2024 1:35 AM]
3.65 -0.56 
4.03 -0.17 
2.22 - 4.88 1,804,986 1,160,000 2,798
26-06-2024 PM NG Novagold Resources Inc. 1,170 -0.04 0.00 -0.04 NovaGold Resources GAAP EPS of -$0.04
[6/27/2024 12:55 AM]
3.62 0.23 
3.26 -0.13 
2.22 - 4.69 1,554,695 1,760,000 136,330
03-04-2024 PM NG Novagold Resources Inc. 1,060 -0.03 0.00 -0.03 NovaGold Resources GAAP EPS of -$0.03
[4/4/2024 12:38 AM]
3.02 -0.29 
3.21 -0.10 
2.22 - 6.68 4,756,905 2,130,000 7,277
24-01-2024 AH NG Novagold Resources Inc. 1,170 -0.03 0.00 -0.04 NovaGold Resources GAAP EPS of -$0.14
[1/24/2024 5:09 PM]
2.98 -0.19 
3.12 -0.05 
2.96 - 6.98 2,586,980 3,040,000 1,222
03-10-2023 AH NG Novagold Resources Inc. 1,280 -0.03 0.00 -0.05 NovaGold Resources GAAP EPS of -$0.03
[10/3/2023 5:08 PM]
3.45 -0.07 
3.48 -0.04 
3.41 - 6.98 1,164,996 1,520,000 2,839
27-06-2023 PM 5:05 PM ET
(Jun 27)
NG Novagold Resources Inc. 1,530 -0.04 0.00 -0.04 NovaGold Resources GAAP EPS of -$0.04
[6/28/2023 12:40 AM]
3.96 -0.61 
4.49 -0.08 
3.85 - 6.98 4,684,533 1,490,000 1,331
25-01-2023 AH 5:05 PM ET
(Jan 25)
NG Novagold Resources Inc. 2,270 -0.04 0.00 -0.03 NovaGold Resources GAAP EPS of -$0.16 misses by $0.02
[1/25/2023 5:14 PM]
6.48 -0.47 
6.94 -0.01 
4.06 - 8.36 1,348,431 1,210,000 20,535
04-10-2022 AH 5:05 PM ET
(Oct 4)
NG Novagold Resources 1,513 -0.05 -0.02 0.00 NovaGold Resources GAAP EPS of -$0.05
[10/4/2022 5:10 PM]
4.75 -0.31 
4.96 -0.10 
4.06 - 8.36 967,200 1,810,000 2,388
29-06-2022 AH 5:15 PM ET
(Jun 29)
NG Novagold Resources Inc. 1,880 -0.04 -0.02 -0.03 NovaGold Resources GAAP EPS of -$0.04 misses by $0.01
[6/29/2022 5:21 PM]
4.79 -0.58 
5.36 -0.01 
4.78 - 8.84 1,718,320 2,180,000 1,115
05-04-2022 AH 5:20 PM ET
(Apr 5)
NG Novagold Resources Inc. 2,580 -0.03 -0.02 -0.02 NovaGold Resources GAAP EPS of -$0.03 in-line
[4/5/2022 5:17 PM]
7.74 -0.02 
7.80 0.04 
5.96 - 10.45 1,102,588 1,330,000 10,304
26-01-2022 AH 5:05 PM ET
(Jan 26)
NG Novagold Resources Inc. 2,210 -0.03 0.00 -0.02 NovaGold Resources GAAP EPS of -$0.12
[1/26/2022 5:29 PM]
6.16 -0.32 
6.48 0.0 
6.08 - 10.45 1,573,362 1,350,000 410
29-09-2021 AH 5:05 PM ET
(Sep 29)
NG Novagold Resources Inc. 2,190 -0.04 -0.03 -0.04 NovaGold Resources EPS misses by $0.01
[9/29/2021 5:08 PM]
6.91 0.29 
6.70 0.08 
6.48 - 12.05 1,027,192 1,120,000 798
29-06-2021 AH 5:00 PM ET
(Jun 29)
NG Novagold Resources Inc. 2,730 -0.03 -0.03 -0.02 NovaGold Resources EPS in-line
[6/29/2021 5:14 PM]
8.03 0.04 
7.99 0.0 
7.85 - 12.10 1,062,618 1,640,000 2,718
31-03-2021 AH 5:00 PM ET
(Mar 31)
NG Novagold Resources Inc. 3,030 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 NovaGold Resources EPS in-line
[3/31/2021 5:03 PM]
9.30 0.54 
8.71 -0.05 
7.27 - 12.85 1,048,323 1,280,000 3,685
27-01-2021 AH 6:40 PM ET
(Jan 27)
NG Novagold Resources Inc. 2,960 -0.02 -0.03 -0.02 NovaGold Resources EPS beats by $0.01
[1/27/2021 5:08 PM]
9.45 0.82 
9.00 0.37 
4.65 - 12.84 2,453,731 1,177,428 16,572
30-09-2020 AH 5:15 PM ET
(Sep 30)
NG Novagold Resources Inc. 3,840 -0.04 -0.02 -0.02 NovaGold Resources EPS misses by $0.02
[9/30/2020 11:13 PM]
11.46 -0.44 
11.65 -0.24 
4.65 - 12.84 3,014,379 2,633,619 6,598
24-06-2020 AH 5:20 PM ET
(Jun 24)
NG Novagold Resources Inc. 2,880 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 NovaGold Resources EPS in-line
[6/24/2020 5:18 PM]
8.44 -0.28 
8.50 -0.21 
4.65 - 12.84 1,043,494 3,154,208 1,881