Earnings History Data for Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) (HIG) - NYSE NASDAQ

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Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The)

The Hartford is a leader in property and casualty insurance, group benefits and mutual funds. With more than 200 years of expertise, The Hartford is widely recognized for its service excellence, sustainability practices, trust and integrity.
Release Date Time Est. Time Symbol Name Market Cap (M) Rep. EPS Est. EPS Last years EPS SeekingAlpha Headline Price Change Ext. Hours Price Ext. Hours Change 52 Week Range Volume Avg. Volume Ext. Hours Volume Top Mover
30-01-2025 AH HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 32,880 2.94 2.67 3.06 The Hartford  Non-GAAP EPS of $2.94 beats by $0.30, revenue of $6.89B misses by $70M
[1/30/2025 4:18 PM]
111.54 -2.72 
108.50 -5.76 
85.34 - 124.90 3,250,914 1,520,000 4,766
24-10-2024 AH HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 35,180 2.53 2.49 2.29 The Hartford Non-GAAP EPS of $2.53 in-line, revenue of $6.75B beats by $70M
[10/24/2024 4:19 PM]
112.29 -8.17 
117.00 -3.46 
68.92 - 123.23 2,386,141 1,310,000 84,783
25-07-2024 AH HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 30,140 2.50 2.26 1.88 The Hartford Non-GAAP EPS of $2.50 beats by $0.25, revenue of $6.49B misses by $70M, $3.3B stock buybacks announced
[7/25/2024 4:18 PM]
109.40 7.07 
102.33 0.0 
68.82 - 109.43 2,226,732 1,380,000 45,785
25-04-2024 AH HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 29,740 2.34 2.43 1.68 The Hartford  Non-GAAP EPS of $2.34 misses by $0.10, revenue of $6.42B misses by $70M
[4/25/2024 4:20 PM]
95.49 -3.60 
97.01 -2.08 
67.05 - 103.64 2,340,910 1,770,000 917
01-02-2024 AH HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 26,110 3.06 2.39 2.31 The Hartford  Non-GAAP EPS of $3.06 beats by $0.65, revenue of $6.4B beats by $40M
[2/1/2024 4:18 PM]
90.44 3.38 
88.80 1.73 
64.25 - 91.85 3,829,208 1,940,000 412,341
26-10-2023 AH HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 21,530 2.29 1.95 1.44 The Hartford  Non-GAAP EPS of $2.29 beats by $0.32, revenue of $6.17B beats by $10M
[10/26/2023 4:24 PM]
70.24 -1.66 
73.50 1.60 
64.25 - 79.44 1,956,531 2,020,000 84,855
27-07-2023 AH HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 23,220 1.88 1.85 2.15 The Hartford  Non-GAAP EPS of $1.88 beats by $0.03, revenue of $6.05B misses by $40M
[7/27/2023 4:26 PM]
72.23 -3.84 
75.50 -0.57 
60.17 - 79.44 3,110,593 1,480,000 83,939
27-04-2023 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Apr 27)
HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 21,580 1.68 1.68 1.66 The Hartford Non-GAAP EPS of $1.68 in-line, revenue of $5.91B beats by $210M
[4/27/2023 4:20 PM]
70.94 1.03 
69.91 0.0 
60.17 - 79.44 1,258,940 1,840,000 117,674
02-02-2023 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Feb 2)
HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 24,350 2.31 1.86 2.02 Hartford Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $2.31 beats by $0.44, revenue of $6.02B beats by $280M
[2/2/2023 4:20 PM]
74.71 0.28 
72.41 -2.02 
60.17 - 79.44 2,376,228 1,580,000 2,777
27-10-2022 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Oct 27)
HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 22,460 1.44 1.29 1.26 Hartford Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $1.44 beats by $0.22, revenue of $5.58B beats by $40M
[10/27/2022 4:28 PM]
72.12 1.88 
65.90 -4.35 
60.16 - 78.17 2,890,985 1,920,000 1,776
28-07-2022 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Jul 28)
HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 20,970 2.15 1.52 2.33 Hartford Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $2.15, revenue of $2.78B
[7/28/2022 4:28 PM]
64.47 1.62 
63.80 0.95 
61.15 - 78.17 3,285,154 1,880,000 407
28-04-2022 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Apr 28)
HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 23,130 1.66 1.56 0.56 Hartford Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $1.66, revenue of $5.39B
[4/28/2022 4:19 PM]
69.96 -1.31 
71.27 0.0 
59.86 - 78.17 2,466,739 2,060,000 50,683
03-02-2022 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Feb 3)
HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 24,460 2.02 1.52 1.76 Hartford Financial Non-GAAP EPS of $2.02 beats by $0.50, revenue of $5.82B beats by $440M
[2/3/2022 4:23 PM]
70.65 -1.54 
69.70 -2.49 
48.60 - 78.17 3,545,603 2,070,000 869
28-10-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Oct 28)
HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 25,320 1.26 0.81 1.46 Hartford Financial EPS beats by $0.41, beats on revenue
[10/28/2021 4:21 PM]
73.01 -0.77 
75.25 1.47 
36.77 - 78.17 1,735,941 1,510,000 5,252
28-07-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Jul 28)
HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 22,120 2.33 1.33 1.22 Hartford Financial EPS beats by $0.99, beats on revenue
[7/28/2021 4:23 PM]
63.24 2.38 
61.20 0.34 
34.69 - 69.94 2,217,224 1,370,000 238
22-04-2021 PM 4:15 PM ET
(Apr 29)
HIG The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. 23,485 0.56 0.75 0.00 Hartford Financial EPS misses by $0.01, beats on revenue
[4/22/2021 7:21 AM]
66.88 -0.57 
66.05 -1.40 
30.27 - 69.60 5,569,442 2,340,000 641,065
04-02-2021 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Feb 4)
HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 17,650 1.76 1.31 1.43 Hartford Financial EPS beats by $0.44
[2/4/2021 4:25 PM]
50.46 -0.48 
52.12 1.18 
19.04 - 59.92 2,052,553 1,678,899 437
29-10-2020 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Oct 29)
HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 14,550 1.46 0.88 1.50 Hartford Financial EPS beats by $0.55, beats on revenue
[10/29/2020 4:28 PM]
38.32 -0.37 
39.05 0.36 
19.04 - 62.75 3,142,323 2,668,241 1,615
30-07-2020 AH 4:15 PM ET
(Jul 30)
HIG Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 14,480 1.22 1.22 1.33 Hartford Financial EPS in-line, misses on revenue
[7/30/2020 4:40 PM]
41.60 1.10 
41.50 1.00 
19.04 - 62.75 2,253,999 1,712,407 10,024